About HistoryLearning.com

About HistoryLearning.com

History Learning is one of the foremost online resources for both history students and those who simply have an interest in the subject. Covering everything from Ancient Rome through to World War 1 to the history of the Philippines, this website has a huge range of informative and interesting pages about key historical events, people and periods. But we are not resting on our laurels - the website is growing day by day, with new pages being added all the time, so be sure to visit us again here at your home of History Learning!



Chris St Cartmail
I am passionate about history and for the last 15 years have been researching and writing about events and human affairs spanning the Middle Ages to the late 20th century. 

Notwithstanding Aldous Huxley’s claim, ‘that men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history’, I remain devoted to helping others discover that the past is our key to understanding people and societies.  My day job is writing insights on mergers and acquisitions and businesses for sale at the Business Sale Report.


Dominic Pollard

I am a history graduate with specialist knowledge of early modern Europe, from the English Civil War through to the French Revolution.


My passion for history stems from the ability to join up the dots between the past and the modern day, enabling us to understand how historical people and events shaped the world as we know it. History Learning brings this life with its huge, far-reaching catalogue of information about world history.


Rosanna Jeffrey

I have an educational background in art and English but have been interested in history for as long as I can remember. As a child I always enjoyed reading the ‘Horrible Histories’ series as a child, which were both informative and entertaining, fuelling my interest in the subject.


My favourite area of history is the Tudors and I enjoy visiting museums and heritage properties from the period in my spare time. Over the past couple of years I have also volunteered with projects at the Horniman Museum and the National Trust property Morden Hall Park.


Alice Mulhearn

I am a history graduate and journalist who loves nothing more than writing about the past - especially the grisly bits!


At university I studied medieval history with a special focus on food during the Early Middle Ages, but when I graduated in 2014 I was hungry for more. Now, as a writer for History Learning I get to explore the history of the world every day.

Invitation to submit articles to this website

We are inviting submissions of articles to be published on this website.

If accepted, we pay on the basis of US$0.01 per word. Clearly this is not a large amount, but as this website features only a small amount of advertising to offset hosting costs, any fees to writers are paid for out of our own pocket.

The site is used primarily by high school and college students in the U.S., United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand who are researching for assignments. However as the reputation of the site as a quality authoritative history resource quickly builds, so too is the audience of those with a general interest in history. We are adding to the website every working day of the week and have at least two full-time people working on it.

We are happy to grant you accreditation on the site for your article(s) - this will consist of your full name, with no external links. Those authors who have submitted sufficient quantity (at our discretion) of accepted articles may have a short bio created on our site (again at our discretion) which may be linked to from the articles that they have written.

Please note however that copyright in any submitted and accepted article is immediately surrendered by the author and passed to us upon payment; that copyright is total and in perpetuity.

The general topic areas for which we are seeking articles to be written include:

Ancient Rome
Medieval England
Tudor England
Stuart England
World War One
World War Two
Vietnam War
American Civil War
France in the 16C
France in the 17C

Articles need to be written on specific events or people. Please check our site before submitting, to ensure there is already no article already covering that topic on the site. Please feel free to contact us first if you are unsure. The person submitting the work must be the author of the work.

Needless to say, the submitted work must not contain any plagiarised or copied content. This will be checked. We allow a moderate amount of quoted content in each article if relevant.

Style - please pay careful attention to the style of the articles currently on this site (not including the blog section). We will not accept content that significantly deviates from this style, which is straightforward, fact-oriented, clear, efficient, objective and without ‘flourish’. It is never stylistic, sententious, verbose, subjective, ornate nor sarcastic. If your article takes an unorthodox view of an historical event, place or person it is unlikely to be accepted. Please provide a list of sources at the end of your article. You may also include relevant public domain images, or links to public domain images that you feel would satisfactorily accompany and embellish the article.
Please submit the article in plain text (.txt), RTF or Word format. Do not include any hyperlinks in the main article other than those in your list of sources.

Please include your CV or biography, taking care to include academic qualifications and professional accreditations if relevant. Please also attach details or provide links to any of your previously published written content.

Please email the article(s) with your contact details to info AT historylearning.com and one of our editors will review within three working days.

MLA Citation/Reference

"About HistoryLearning.com". HistoryLearning.com. 2025. Web.